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For Everyone Touched By Cancer

Cancer Care Parcel Review From Just Average Jen's

Written by Ilana Spilka on 
8th July, 2020
Updated: 7th May, 2023
Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Just Average Jen is an average woman who is actually anything but average! Check out Just Average Jen's review of our Luxury Breast Cancer Gift for Women for us.

A snippet from Just Average Jen's Review:

Should a company be selling items like this? Is it not profiting from the sick?

This is a question that was raised amongst some bloggers discussing reviewing the parcel. I personally believe that this is something people are looking for and that it is no more profiting from the sick than florists who sell bouquets at shops near hospitals. I have never seen anything like this available but have numerous times discussed with people what gifts are suitable to buy for someone who has cancer.

Is it good value for money?

Whilst it would be possible to buy all of the items separately for a little cheaper depending on how much you shop around  the projects it wouldn’t necessarily be  practical. I personally would rather buy a box of items like this and send them all in one bundle rather than ordering items separately and then making up a parcel myself. Another thing to consider is if you want to send an item directly to the recipient this way it is just one parcel which is much easier for them to collect if they are out when it is delivered than 10 or so individual packages!

What am I doing with the parcel?

I am going to pass this on to the lady I mentioned at the beginning of this post who is undergoing another round of chemotherapy at the moment. She struggles at times with not wanting to eat much and her mouth being sore so the bottle and cool bag I am sure will be helpful to her. I also know that emotionally it is a difficult time for her and her family so the comfort items like the blanket even if not used by her will I am sure be a nice treat for her young daughter who also is finding this time difficult. When I have given it to her, when she is well enough for visitors as she is going through a tough time at the moment, I will update this and let you know any specific feedback she had.

More about the parcel:

The Luxury Pampering Breast Cancer Gift For Women provides useful, fun & comforting items for all stages of cancer.

  • A premium product suitable for all women with breast cancer.
  • Everything that is needed: practical items for dealing with stress and therapy, luxury items for pampering, fun and motivational items.
  • Giving relief during difficult times.
  • Safe for all treatments.

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