Cancer Care Parcel Logo

Subtotal: £1,632.92

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Cancer Care Parcel Logo

Subtotal: £1,632.92

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For Everyone Touched By Cancer

Free Confidence Boosting Skincare And Make-Up Workshops

Look Good Feel Better West Hill House,, 32 West Hill Epsom, Surrey, United Kingdom KT19 8JD

Look Good Feel Better (LGFB) is the only international cancer support charity that helps women and teenagers manage the visible side effects of cancer treatment.

Our free confidence boosting skincare and make-up Workshops and Masterclasses are held across the UK for women undergoing treatment for any type of cancer. Led by LGFB Beauty Volunteers, the sessions are an opportunity to meet others in a similar situation whilst being taught vital skills such as how to draw on missing eyebrows and eyelashes.

We’ve also created lots of online tutorials for those who are unable to attend one of our sessions or who would like some extra advice.

Contact Information
Whilst we do our best to make sure that the listings are accurate we cannot take responsibility for what is said on external sites. We do our utmost to be unbiased in our listings, but also to only list those sites which we deem to have a positive effect on the cancer community.

If there is a company you would like us to add to this page, or if your company would like to have a listing, please let Alexei know [email protected]

Sustainability Matters
Every purchase, big or small, has a footprint. But sustainability challenges don’t have a quick fix.
Organisation for Responsible Businesses.
Cancer Care Parcel Ltd. Registered in England and Wales.
Trading Address: Highstone House, 165 High Street, Barnet, Herts. EN5 5SU, UK. Registered Office: 7a High Street, Barnet, Herts, EN5 5UE.
Company Number 14415197, VAT number is GB428826076,  EORI number is XI428826076000