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For Everyone Touched By Cancer

American Life Fund

New York, United States of America

American Life Fund is an industry-leading viatical settlement company. We have helped hundreds of individuals with late-stage cancer or other life-threatening illness get immediate cash for their existing life insurance policy. This process is known as a viatical settlement.

At American Life Fund, we believe in educating cancer patients on all of their financial options. This includes the ability to access your life policy’s funds through a viatical settlement. Viatical settlements are an easy, fast, and hassle-free way to get the cash you need to fund medical bills, living expenses, and alternative treatments.

Benefits American Life Fund.

Viatical settlements provide many benefits. Below are a few of the main advantages of pursuing a viatical.

  • Cash payment from a viatical settlement company can pay for medical bills, alternative treatment, everyday expenses, and replace the loss of income.
  • The process is fast, easy, free, and most importantly, 100% confidential.
  • You can use the money from a viatical settlement for any purpose and in most cases, funds are tax-free.

American Life Fund is recognized as one of the top viatical settlement companies. We have a higher standard than most and strive to exceed these standards through three key elements: caring for our clients, educating clients on the value of their policy, and providing funds immediately following the due diligence process.


At American Life Fund, we treat clients as we would want to be treated. We truly care about the clients we serve and provide individualized attention to each case. We understand the stress and emotional toll cancer can cause. Because of this, we strive hard every day to provide our clients with the level of care and compassion we would want for ourselves or our loved ones.

Our dedicated counselors partner with clients to provide the best experience possible. Our counselors are available any time, day or night, to answer any questions or concerns you may have. We also work almost exclusively with individuals with cancer, so we understand your unique concerns.


We believe in 100% transparency. We educate all of our clients on the value of their policy and aim to provide them with the highest offer possible.


Additionally, by working with clients directly, we’re able to eliminate any third-party fees. That means more money in your pocket.

Contact Information
Phone: 877-658-1360
Whilst we do our best to make sure that the listings are accurate we cannot take responsibility for what is said on external sites. We do our utmost to be unbiased in our listings, but also to only list those sites which we deem to have a positive effect on the cancer community.

If there is a company you would like us to add to this page, or if your company would like to have a listing, please let Alexei know [email protected]

Sustainability Matters
Every purchase, big or small, has a footprint. But sustainability challenges don’t have a quick fix.
Organisation for Responsible Businesses.
Cancer Care Parcel Ltd. Registered in England and Wales.
Trading Address: Highstone House, 165 High Street, Barnet, Herts. EN5 5SU, UK. Registered Office: 7a High Street, Barnet, Herts, EN5 5UE.
Company Number 14415197, VAT number is GB428826076,  EORI number is XI428826076000