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For Everyone Touched By Cancer

Gifts For Female Cancer Patients: Hugs, Gifts And A Lot More Discussed.

Written by Cancer Care Parcel on 
19th April, 2021
Updated: 2nd September, 2024
Estimated Reading Time: 1 minute

A woman with cancer is different.

Her type of cancer, personality and support network are all unique, so what you give her should be too.

Basically, just because you know a woman with cancer doesn't mean you need to go out and buy her a hat or scarf for when her hair falls out, or that you need to give her lots of hugs and sympathy.

We are all different and so is cancer.  Not everyone with cancer loses their hair and not everyone wants or needs a hug.

just because you know a woman with cancer doesn't mean you need to go out and buy her a hat or scarf for when her hair falls out, or that you need to give her lots of hugs and sympathy.

From everything we have heard from women with cancer and from our own experiences the most important thing you can give women with cancer is time.

  • Time to talk
  • Time away from household chores
  • Time away from worrying about family life and kids and so forth

Not everyone will need the same help and support, so you need to know the person that you are giving your time to, or work out from their circumstances what they may need

We have further articles on this site about practical steps you can make to help someone with cancer.

What do you think?

Please do send us your comments, like and dislikes about this article, and if you would like to suggest an article or send something in, we would be very happy to hear from you.

We strongly advise you to talk with a health care professional about specific medical conditions and treatments. 
The information on our site is meant to be helpful and educational but is not a substitute for medical advice.

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